flathead catfish bait

Lake Havasu Fishing for Catfish - Channel Cat, Flathead Catfish.
Catfish Facts - Fisherman's Corner near Canyon Lake for GREAT.
Apr 18, 2012. A flathead catfish will take up residence in or around a good baitfish attracter such as rock piles or log jams and they will protect and ward off .
Fish Ohio Length: Channel catfish: 26 inches. Flathead catfish: 35 inches. Tips: Anglers use a variety of scented baits since a catfish's sense of smell and taste is .
catfish rigs | HOW TO CATCH CATFISH.
You can lure flathead's with light. They'll come to feed on the bait-fish that are attracted to the light. Flathead catfish like deep holes with cover on the outside .
It is in these deep chutes and holes where the blue cat thrives. Blue cats have the same feeding habits as channel catfish. But blues will take cut-bait, live bait, .
Mar 24, 2010. Bream are a wonderful bait because that is what big blue and flathead catfish are eating anyway. Catfish love to sneak into shallow water, .
Bullheads for catfish bait? - Pensacola Fishing Forum.
bullhead catfish for flathead catfish bait? - Catfish1.com.
You can lure flathead's with light. They'll come to feed on the bait-fish that are attracted to the light. Flathead catfish like deep holes with cover on the outside .
It is in these deep chutes and holes where the blue cat thrives. Blue cats have the same feeding habits as channel catfish. But blues will take cut-bait, live bait, .
Mar 24, 2010. Bream are a wonderful bait because that is what big blue and flathead catfish are eating anyway. Catfish love to sneak into shallow water, .
Mar 13, 2009. When I'm setting limb lines for flatheads, what depth do i need to keep my bait at? I mainly set trotlines but get mostly channels in the areas .

flathead catfish bait
flathead catfish bait
Basic catfish baits - Cincinnati Fishing | Examiner.com.
. a few times that small bullheads are arguably the best bait for big flatheads.. One of the catfish books I have talks about using bullheads 3-6 .
Secrets for Catching Big Catfish - Yahoo! Voices - voices.yahoo.com.